Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Let's Talk About Socks Baby!

Ah socks... the undergarment for men that people actually see.  How important can socks really be?  Well, let's make it really easy - it can completely ruin an outfit when done wrong, and when done with a bit of flair can be a head turner.  They can easily become a conversation piece for good and bad.

Robert Griffin III wore some memorable socks that were talked about on Sportscenter the following day - (the Super Man socks).  Let's face it, they're worth taking a minute to think about and consider.  There are very easy and basic traditional rules if you want to take the conservative route; and they are in order of decision:
-match your pant color
-match your shoe color
-keep it solid and simple

Not too hard right?  It's easy, it won't offend anyone, and it's a safe as can be choice.  Just make sure you're spending a few extra bucks to ensure they are of a good material.  Your socks should cover your legs (no one wants your pant bottom to come up and show the forest of hair underneath) in mid-calf or over-calf length.  Typically a good cotton will run you a bit more, but will last you much longer.

There is another option as well... a slightly more... daring... option.  Recently, it has become popular to throw on loud colored socks in bright and bold patterns.  Definitely a bit more attention grabbing, and maybe something to be cautious about depending on who you are meeting with that day; but fun and a great way to add expression to the wardrobe!  Let's face it, men's fashion while important, isn't always the most exciting for someone who wants to express themselves.

Even if you go the more boisterous route - it's still important to have some good basics in your wardrobe as well.  I'll let you guess which one I prefer ;)

Hope you enjoyed, keep reading, keep sharing, I'll keep writing!

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