Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Get Dressed for the Holidays: one pant leg at a time

I apologize for the seriously long delay between posts.  Just like for everyone else, the holiday time gets busy!  Between family, friends, gift buying, and dinner outings, the calendar has a way of filling up awfully quick.

I speak with a lot of my own clients about what they are wearing for their variety of holiday festivities.  There are usually a plethora of events going on, and the last thing you want to do is to wear the same thing repeatedly.

So, what should you wear?  Well, there is no singular answer.  Everyone does things a little bit different, but the holidays are supposed to be a special time of the year, and it's time that men started dressing in a way that reflects this.  Put some extra care into your wardrobe choices for the holidays:

Office Party:
Let's start with the fact that you need to be work appropriate (though I would hope this is self evident), and now kick it up just a little.  Are you in a business casual environment?  How about a great jacket to step up your daily attire?  If you're in a more formal environment, maybe pull out that special suit that you keep for the big meetings.  The point is, this is different than a normal day - and maybe a chance to impress someone: it's a great chance to impress a boss, or coworker you've had your eye on! ;)

photo from
Christmas (Eve) Dinner:
Again, seize the opportunity to pull out some of the nicer things in the closet.  I'm a firm believer that a jacket it a great option again here.  Many people are at a relative or close friend's house. Show some respect to the host by doing more than a dress shirt with jeans.  Throw a beautiful wool or cashmere sweater over the top, wear a jacket and put some slacks on.  Show your appreciation by making sure you don't show up empty handed, and put some care into your appearance for them.

Make sure you feel like this man when it's time to get dressed
Christmas Mass:
I hope everyone out there is paying attention.... WEAR A SUIT!  I understand how casual many churches have become.  Take a cue from the many other religions out there during any of their high holiday services and dress the part!  No exceptions - even if you aren't very religious, show the respect than it deserves.

New Years Eve Party:
Many parties will have a dress code, or a theme.  Adhere when applicable, and take it up a notch when given the chance.  Great time for a dinner jacket - maybe velvet with some fun color, or a high fashion piece.  Pick some thing fun, something that stands out, and something that has you feeling like Bond, James Bond!  Might as well ring in the new year looking great before it starts to get sloppy!
Photo from Esquire

Some Key No-Nos:
Leave the overly holiday themed clothing in the closet.  It's not an ugly sweater party...
Anything that light up should be left on the tree
If it's cold layer appropriately - you can ruin a great look with that ski jacket
Snow boots are for the snow

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