Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Spring Cleaning - your closet needs it too!

Ah spring time!  If you're in the majority of our wonderful country, it feels like a lifetime from now.  However, there is light at the end of the tunnel!  Here in Chicago we are actually supposed to get above freezing just in time for pitchers and catchers to start reporting to spring training.

Try using Goodwill or Salvation Army
If there is one thing that has forever been associated with spring time, it's spring cleaning.  A chance for a fresh start cleaning our homes, and making sure that we come out of our long winter hibernation.  It is also a time when I like to speak with my clients about spring cleaning in their wardrobes.

As a guy, I know all too well about having the shirt that has lingered for 10 years.  There is that pair of pants I haven't pulled off the hanger in 3 years, but for some reason just hang onto it anyway.  This spring, make a conscious decision to reevaluate your own wardrobe.

Whether it's retiring a few suits and replacing them with some updated versions, or maybe donating that sweater that your mom gave you a few years back that you never wore.  I walk my clients through a process where they can evaluate the value of their clothing, and whether it is adding or just collecting dust.

I use the following evaluation on all garments:
What kind of shape is it in? Good shape = move on to next question, bad shape = replace/remove
When is the last time you wore it?  More than 3 months = move to next question
Is it a seasonal item?  Yes = keep   No = move to next question
Does it hold sentimental value?  Yes = keep or find a way to display it  No = replace/remove

Once you have established what stays and what goes, then it's time to determine how you would like your wardrobe to work for you.  From there you have a much better grasp on how to move forward in.  Struggling with how to get started, or want help from someone?  There are professionals in most cities that, like me, can help you with the task - usually at little to no cost.

If clothes can help define the man, isn't it worth taking the time to make sure they are defining you the way you would like?